Use Crop Spraying Strategies That Control Spray Drift

Spray drift occurs when liquid and powder pesticides are carried by wind and rain. Spray drift can pose a threat to the landscape that surrounds the crops that are being treated with pesticides. Use the tips below to carefully administer crop sprays.

Nozzles And Pressure

Adjustable nozzles allow an end user to control how much liquid or powder is released. As more pressure is administered, crop sprays are released faster. When the pressure amount is lowered, liquid and powder sprays are able to be administered in a more controlled manner.

Before you begin crop spraying, familiarize yourself with the manner in which nozzles and pressure play a role in applying a pesticide. 

Product Reviews

Review various products prior to investing in crop spraying equipment. Research several different nozzle products.

Be mindful that nozzles wear out over time. Make a plan to inspect and replace your nozzles as needed. This will ensure that your crop spraying equipment always works as intended.


Crop spraying should be conducted on dry days with calm winds. This will prevent liquid and powder from blowing away from the area that is being treated.

The size of the droplets and granule particles that are released from a nozzle will reflect upon how long it takes for a pesticide product to settle on the crops that are being treated. Ensuring that crop spraying is only conducted when the weather is fair will help you avoid any concerns about overspray.

Spray Techniques

Your neighbor's property and bordering bodies of water and land should be respected during each crop spraying session. By taking the time to practice using your crop spraying equipment, you will be able to control the amount of pesticide that is administered and the location where it is applied.

Lower the pressure on your spray equipment when you will be applying a pesticide product to the edges of your garden plot. This method will help you control how much of the product is released. Using lower pressure prevents tiny droplets or small granule particles from being released too rapidly.

Cleanup Efforts

Even if you use a careful spray plan, there may be instances in which a product is accidentally administered to pavement, lawns, shrubs, and plants that you did not want exposed to a pesticide. Use a broom to clean paved surfaces that powder products came into contact with. Use a garden hose to rinse off vegetation that was exposed to a liquid pesticide.

Contact a professional to learn more about crop spraying
